According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, the true impact of a COVID-19 outbreak in the United States cannot be predicted and is continually changing. However, all healthcare facilities can take steps to be better prepared and to protect both their patients and staff.
Be prepared:
Stay informed about the local COVID-19 situation. Know where to turn for reliable, up-to-date information in your local community. Monitor the CDC COVID-19 website and your state and local health department websites for the latest information.
Develop, or review, your facility’s emergency plan. A COVID-19 outbreak in your community could lead to staff absenteeism. Prepare alternative staffing plans to ensure as many of your facility’s staff is available as possible.
Establish relationships with key healthcare and public health partners in your community. Make sure you know about healthcare and public health emergency planning and response activities in your community. Learn about plans to manage patients, accept transfers, and share supplies. Review any memoranda of understanding (MOUs) with affiliates, your healthcare coalition, and other partners to provide support or assistance during emergencies.
Communicate with staff and patients:
Communicate about COVID-19 with your staff. Share information about what is currently known about COVID-19, the potential for surge, and your facility’s preparedness plans.
Communicate about COVID-19 with your patients. Provide updates about changes to your policies regarding appointments, providing non-urgent patient care by telephone, and visitors. Consider using your facility’s website or social media pages to share updates.
Protect your patients:
Stay up-to-date on the best ways to manage patients with COVID-19.
Separate patients with respiratory symptoms so they are not waiting among other patients seeking care. Identify a separate, well-ventilated space that allows waiting patients and visitors to be separated.
Consider the strategies to prevent patients who can be cared for at home from coming to your facility potentially exposing themselves or others to germs, such as adjusting your hours of operation, using telemedicine technologies and self-assessment tools.
At Premier Nursing Network, we care about the health and safety of our clients. Our exceptional staff is committed to taking all necessary safety precautions regarding COVID-19, and will work tirelessly at improving the quality of life for every patient we care for. For more information on our staffing services, contact us today.